Service catalogue

The service catalogue contains all the services available to an authenticated user, which the user can request in the Portal.

Displaying the service catalogue

The service catalogue is displayed to users authenticated in the Portal. The service catalogue is available in the CWP "Service catalogue" section and can be accessed from the profile of a natural person without any prerequisites, and from the profile of a legal entity, if its e-mail address is saved. The service catalogue consists of four (4) sections and 5 (five) steps:


     o   Changes;

     o   Registration;

     o   Liquidation; 

     o   Insolvency (This section is only available from the profile of a natural person).


     o   Services;

     o   Data entry;

     o   Documents;

     o   Overview;

     o   Executed.

The service catalogue steps are designed to allow you to review the status of the service.

The availability of services in the service catalogue depends on the legal form of the selected profile. Clicking on the CWP "Service catalogue" section opens the following service catalogue section by default:

        For a natural person: the "Registration" section. In this section, the services available to natural persons are shown to the user. A service search is available for finding services.

                                       Figure 17. Showing the service catalogue to a natural person.


When navigating to other sections of the service catalogue, one must indicate the registration number or name of a specific subject in the data entry field. In this case, the services will be submitted for the selected legal entity and not for the natural person. The services in the section will be selected depending on the legal form of the selected subject.

                         Figure 18. Entering the subject’s registration number for service selection.

When selecting a subject, the other sections of the service catalogue will also display only those services that are available to a natural person representing the selected subject (considering its legal form).

In the Insolvency section, a natural person can apply for a service as a natural person or as a legal entity. Accordingly, a personal identity number or a registration number and name may be indicated in the subject selection field in this section, and it must be specified whether the entered information refers to a natural person or a legal entity.

       For a legal entity (selected legal entity profile) - "Changes" section. Depending on its legal form, a legal entity has services available in each of the sections of the service catalogue.

Figure 19. Displaying services available to a legal entity.