Payment information

The "Payment information" unit displays the following information:

       State fee: price for processing documents. The calculated price is the total price for processing the documents without any exemptions and with a standard application review time – expedited review is not selected;

       Expedited processing: price of the selected additional option "Expedited processing";

       Discount: discount automatically awarded for submitting the service in the online environment. It is awarded for certain services;

       Advance payment: the amount of the previously declared payment. It is displayed in cases where RE decides to postpone registration;

       Summary: the sum of the items listed above.

       It should be noted that the payment for the state fee can only be made online, in this portal, during the fulfillment of the service. If there is a payment exemption or a free service - then you don’t need to pay for the service.

If the user adds expedited processing or one of the available exemptions, the price is automatically recalculated.

                                                              Figure 56. Payment information unit.