Service basket

The service basket is in each service category tab to the right of the list of services, in the CWP "Service catalogue" section.

                                                     Figure 25. Service basket (empty).


As soon as the user selects a service from the list of services, it is displayed in the service basket.

                                                Figure 26. Service basket with selected services



As soon as the user adds services from the list to the service basket, the selected services are displayed in the list in a different colour and become inactive – all further actions with the selected services must be performed in the service basket. In the service basket, the user can:

        view the services placed in the basket and their descriptions by pressing the "i" icon;

        edit the quantity of services (if possible) by clicking on the "pencil" icon;

        remove services from the service basket by pressing the "waste bin" icon.

It is not possible to place services of different categories in one service basket. For example, if the user adds at least one service from the service catalogue "Changes" section to the basket, and wants to add one of the services available in the "Registration" section, the Portal opens a modal window with a notification saying that services of different categories cannot be added to the same basket, and if the user adds the new service, the previous services will be deleted from the service basket. The user is offered two options:

        cancel the requested action and return to the previously created service basket and the services added to it by pressing the "Cancel" button or the cross button in the upper right corner of the window;

        confirm the requested action by pressing the "Delete basket" button, deleting the previously created basket, and overwriting it with the new service.

                                                  Figure 27. Service basket overwrite menu.


When the user presses the "Delete basket" button, the Portal automatically closes the modal window, overwrites the service basket, and allows the user to carry out further actions with the new service, and add other services from this category into the basket, if available.