Making a payment through a link

It is possible for the user to send a link to another person to pay for the service online. To do this, you need to press the text button "Share payment link".

šī ir saite koplietot apmaksai

The copied link will be stored on the Clipboard of your computer so that the application creator can copy it into an e-mail message for sending to another person.

The recipient of the link will be able to make the payment using the VDAA payment module.

Clicking on the link received in the e-mail will open the service application in the "Overview" step.

In order to initiate the payment, press the "Payment" button:

pārskata attēls pirms apmaksas

After completing the payment for the service, the application will be submitted automatically to the Register of Enterprises.

 The payment link for the 3rd person is available if the status of the application is:

• Initiated

• Reinitiated

• Processing.


The payment link for the 3rd person is not available if the status of the application is:

• Received

• Resubmitted

• registered

• Postponed

• Rejected